New Applications
Use the links below (arranged in application number order within week) to see the details on new applications that Watchdog thinks might be of interest to readers.
In addition to these, we have noticed that the first of the series of listed building applications by Network Rail in preparation for electrification are being lodged. Although many of the applications for the electrification of the GWR will be outside the area normally covered by Watchdog, we know that a number of our readers are very interested in the plans submitted by Network Rail. We have therefore created an additional page specifically for Network Rail's electrification applications so that they are all in one place and easy to find.
Click on the Application link to read the entry on the planning file. This link also allows the on-line comment facility to be used, if wished.
Entries will be removed from this page when it is no longer possible to comment on them.
Week Commencing 24th November 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
29/11/2024 | Lush 8 Union Street BA1 1RW |
Internal and external alterations to include repainting existing front facade and new painted signage, redecorate internal finishes, modify fitted furniture, install new electrical services and alter plumbing to suit minor modifications to furniture layout. | 24/04427/LBA
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There were no notable planning applications for the weeks commencing 10th and 17th November 2024.
Week Commencing 3rd November 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
01/11/2024 | 1-5 Bridge Street BA2 4AP |
Provision of a new shop front to No.6 Bridge Street and new fascias and blinds to Nos. 3 and 4 Bridge Street Bath and new opening and steps between Nos. 5 and 6 Bridge Street. | 24/04106/FUL
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01/11/2024 | 1-5 Bridge Street BA2 4AP |
External alterations for the provision of a new shop front to No.6 Bridge Street and new fascias and blinds to Nos. 3 and 4 Bridge Street Bath and new opening and steps between Nos. 5 and 6 Bridge Street. | 24/04107/LBA
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There were no notable planning applications for the week commencing 27th October 2024.
Week Commencing 20th October 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
08/10/2024 | Gourmet Burger Kitchen 8 Brunel Square BA1 1SX |
Display of 1no. set of internally illuminated individual letters and logo and 4no. set of internally illuminated neon effect individual letters. | 24/03777/AR
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14/10/2024 | Gourmet Burger Kitchen 8 Brunel Square BA1 1SX |
Internal and external works to include 1no. set of internally illuminated individual letters and logo and 4no. set of internally illuminated neon effect individual letters. | 24/03849/LBA
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17/10/2024 | The Bird 18-19 Pulteney Road BA2 4EZ |
Display of 1 no. pole mounted, externally illuminated, double sided sign and 1 no pole mounted, externally illuminated, single sided sign. | 24/03915/AR
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18/10/2024 | Pump Room & Roman Baths Abbey Church Yard BA1 1LZ |
Internal works comprising installation of up to 10no radio cells and 2no external antennas in various locations for open mobile network. | 24/03947/LBA
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There were no notable planning applications for the weeks commencing 25th August, or from 1st September to 13 October 2024.
Week Commencing 18th August 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
20/08/2024 | Council Cleansing Depot Locksbrook Road BA1 3EL |
Change of use of existing street cleansing depot and 24-hour car park ancillary to the adjacent VW Dealership to retained street cleansing depot with a new Recycling Centre and adjacent customer parking / drop off area with associated operational development including: alteration of vehicular access; new pedestrian / cycle access; landscaping; and drainage works. | 24/03168/REG03
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Week Commencing 11th August 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
07/08/2024 | Theatre Royal Sawclose BA1 1ET |
Alterations to external elevation for new community venue within the existing theatre building. | 24/03019/FUL
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07/08/2024 | Theatre Royal Sawclose BA1 1ET |
Internal and external alterations for a new community venue within the existing theatre building. | 24/03020/LBA
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Week Commencing 19th May 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
15/05/2024 | 1-2 Orange Grove BA1 1LP |
Internal and external alterations for the removal of gable-fronted dormer to rear of property and replace with a new valley gutter, catch pit and rainwater downpipe and adjustments to existing rainwater goods. Relocation of previously consented AOV on the rear roof and installation of new conservation style rooflight. | 24/01859/REG13
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There were no notable planning applications for the weeks commencing 21st and 28th April and 5th and 12th May 2024.
Week Commencing 28th January 2024
Date | Address | Description | Application |
19/01/2024 | Minerva House Lower Bristol Road BA2 9ER |
Change of use from offices (use class E) to 12 no. student cluster flats (Sui Generis) comprising 54 no. bedspaces, ground floor undercroft infill extension, external alterations, bin store and cycle parking outbuildings and associated works. | 24/00219/FUL
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There were no notable planning applications for the week commencing 14th January 2024.
Week Commencing 10th December 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
14/11/2023 | 15-17 High Street BA1 5AH |
Internal alterations to include renovation and refurbishment of ground floor and first floor to create new restaurant with associated dining area, bar, kitchen, and toilet facilities, use of second floor as staff area, and use of basement floor as associated storage (Regularisation). | 23/04294/LBA
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11/12/2023 | 15-17 High Street BA1 5AH |
Installation of external branded covers on the main entrance doors and windows on the front façade. | 23/04606/FUL
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11/12/2023 | 15-17 High Street BA1 5AH |
Display of external branded covers on the main entrance doors and windows on the front façade. | 23/04607/AR
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Week Commencing 26th November 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
28/11/2023 | Beckford Canteen 11-12 Bartlett Street BA1 2QZ |
Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with mixed use development, comprising of flexible commercial use (Class E) restaurant or retail space on the lower ground floor and ground floor, with two residential flats (Class C3) on the first floor. | 23/04458/FUL
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There were no notable planning applications for the week commencing 1st October 2023.
Week Commencing 24th September 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
22/09/2023 | Bath Recreation Ground Pulteney Mews BA2 4DS |
Full planning application for demolition of existing Clubhouse, west stand retained wall, and ancillary structures. Removal of all existing temporary structures. Phased comprehensive redevelopment to provide a new sporting, cultural and leisure stadium with hybrid sports pitch, including the retention of and refurbishment and extension to the South Stand, and construction of new permanent North, East and West Stands. Phased construction including the retention and relocation of temporary east stand to facilitate playing of sport during construction. Stadium to include ancillary facilities and structures including changing rooms, flood lights, television screens, scoreboards, camera gantries, media suite, matchday food and beverage outlets and hospitality suites, conference / function / banqueting / hospitality spaces, service and kitchen areas, flexible multi-use areas, offices, storage, plant and substation. Hard and soft landscaping works, flood alleviation works, tree planting, new steps and platform lift, infrastructure works, temporary construction compound and all associated construction works and operations. | 23/03558/EFUL
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22/09/2023 | Bath Recreation Ground Pulteney Mews BA2 4DS |
Listed building consent for demolition of existing unlisted Clubhouse and its removal from curtilage listed wall structure (northern boundary), and construction of two storey building and permanent North Stand within curtilage of listed wall structure and Presidents Lounge. | 23/03559/LBA
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Week Commencing 4th June 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
15/05/2023 | Bath Western Riverside Development Site Phase 2 Windsor Bridge Road BA2 3DT |
Erection of up to 351 No. dwellings (Class C3); provision of up to 260sqm dual use flexible space comprising community use (Class F2) and/or commercial use (Class E); and associated demolition, land remediation, drainage, landscaping and access works. | 23/01762/EREG03
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Week Commencing 28th May 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
31/05/2023 | Unit 1-4, Wells Road BA2 3AP |
Demolition of existing commercial industrial building and development of a new 4-storey mixed-use building, comprising 2 no. commercial units (hybrid use class E and B8 uses) and residential co-living use (sui generis) including 77 no. studios with ancillary co-working areas, communal residential accommodation of kitchens, living rooms, gym, rooftop outdoor amenity area, plant, laundry, bin storage and cycle parking as well as car parking, landscaping and associated development (Resubmission). | 23/02012/FUL
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There were no notable planning applications for the weeks commencing 14th and 21st May 2023.
Week Commencing 7th May 2023
Date | Address | Description | Application |
02/05/2023 | Bath Rugby Club Bath Recreation Ground BA2 4DS |
Request for Scoping Opinion for the construction of a new sporting, cultural and leisure stadium with a capacity to seat up to 18,000 spectators, a sports pitch and ancillary structures incorporating retail, conference/function/banqueting/hospitality rooms, assembly and leisure uses and flexible multi-use areas for community/charity/education uses and ancillary uses. | 23/01618/SCOPE
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Week Commencing 28th August 2022
Date | Address | Description | Application |
11/08/2022 | Former Gasworks Windsor Bridge Road BA2 3DT |
Demolition of existing buildings and decontamination/remediation of the site to facilitate redevelopment for a residential-led mixed-use development, comprising residential dwellings (Class C3 Use) and provision of Class E floorspace (Class E(b) and (f) Uses), together with associated infrastructure, landscaping, and car and cycle parking, engineering works (on site and to associated areas) and access and works to the existing river wall, infrastructure and gasholder voids. | 22/03224/EFUL
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Week Commencing 2nd January 2022
Date | Address | Description | Application |
23/12/2021 | Former Bath Press Site Lower Bristol Road BA2 3BL |
Redevelopment of the site to provide a residential-led mixed-use development, comprising residential units (Class C3 Use) and provision of office floor space at ground floor level (Class E(g)(i) Use), provision of three substations, together with associated infrastructure, landscaping, plant equipment, car and cycle parking and access (Resubmission). | 21/05672/EFUL
Delegate to permit, 16/11/22 |
Week Commencing 28th November 2021
Date | Address | Description | Application |
19/11/2021 | King William Public House 36 Thomas Street BA1 5NN |
External alterations for the redecoration of external joinery, display of advertisements and flag. | 21/05173/LBA
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19/11/2021 | King William Public House 36 Thomas Street BA1 5NN |
Display of 1 no. non-illuminated fascia sign with individual lettering, 1 no. illuminated hanging sign and illuminated board display at second floor level. | 21/05176/AR
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