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ICRAUnesco Logo            Copyright© Bath Heritage Watchdog - 2006-9.

Bath - A World Heritage Site


Watchdogs Bouquets

What Are They?

Because Watchdog was set up to protect Bath's heritage, we are often in a position where we criticise what is happening and what may be planned.

Naturally we are going to spend the majority of our effort trying to prevent horrors, and the majority of the time spent updating this website bringing to the attention of the readers those things they might feel strongly about.  However, there are some things that we have to pay very little attention to, because we agree wholeheartedly with what they represent.  That does not mean we do not notice or appreciate them.  We do.

So this section is to redress the balance a bit.  Our bouquets in this section will be presented to all those involved in achievements which are good for Bath.

Bouquet 1

Our First Award goes to those responsible for the restoration of Victoria Park

Bouquet 2

Our Second Award goes to a public spirited citizen.

Bouquet 3

Our Third Award goes to a former council Heritage Champion.