Current Planning Applications
Quick Guide - = we like
= we object No symbol = no strong feelings/haven't decided
We are keeping watch on the following planning applications (in Application Number order):
- 06/01733/EOUT - Western Riverside
- This application is the outline for the erection of a number of buildings on the Western Riverside area. Watchdog supports development on this site, but opposed the style of building proposed and their layout. On 27th November 2007, the Development Control Committee voted to permit this development in principle, and the decision went to the Government Office of the South West who decided to pass the decision back to the council because the Secretary of State would consider it just a local issue. Watchdog has never heard a more ridiculous claim. The council will now be trying to reach an agreement on the "Public Realm" issues before making a planning decision, which is why this application is still shown as outstanding.
- 06/01750/CA - Western Riverside
- This application seeks conservation area consent for demolitions north of the river in the conservation area, mostly the buildings that make up the Refuse Depot and Recycling Centre. The exact text of the application location is Council Recycling Centre and Adjacent Depot, Upper Bristol Road, and Parts of North Bank of River Avon Adjacent to the Destructor Bridge and “Pipe Bridge”. This application cannot be determined until a decision is made on the Western Riverside, so comments can still be made, either in writing to the planning office or online.
- 06/03396/EOUT - Western Riverside
- This application is the outline for the first three phases of the Western Riverside scheme. Watchdog supports development on this site, but opposes the style of building proposed and their layout (which differs slightly from 06/01733/EOUT). This application is described as dormant.
- 06/04013/EFUL - Western Riverside
- This application is the full proposals for the initial phase of the Western Riverside scheme. Watchdog supports development on this site, but opposed the style of building proposed. On 27th November 2007, the Development Control Committee voted to permit this development in principle, and the decision went to the Government Office of the South West who decided to pass the decision back to the council because the Secretary of State would consider it just a local issue. Watchdog has never heard a more ridiculous claim. The council will now be trying to reach an agreement on the "Public Realm" issues before making a planning decision, which is why this application is still shown as outstanding.
- 07/02117/FUL - Western Riverside
- This application is for an access road into the Western Riverside site. Given that the decision on whether the Western Riverside is going ahead is still with the Secretary of State, this looks premature. Watchdog opposes this application on health and safety grounds.
- 07/03080/FUL - All Saints Church
- This application is to amend the planning permission granted last year for a modern house on the derelict site of All Saints Church. The current position is on the news summary page.
- 07/03377/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 14 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03383/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 15 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03385/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 16 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03388/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 17 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03392/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 18 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03396/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 19 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03403/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application for Somerset Place covering the conversion and restoration of Number 20 to a Georgian town house.
- 07/03640/FUL - Somerset Place
- This is the main application covering the conversion and restoration of Numbers 5 to 13 Somerset Place plus the demolition of the existing 1950s outbuildings and the erection of 6 Mews dwellings at the rear, plus the erection of a new Number 4 to create the same end style as Number 20. The Design Statement document for the main application (available online but too big for a dial-up connection) gives a good overview.
- 07/03669/CA - Bathwick Street
- This is a Conservation Area application to demolish three detached houses in Bathwick Street and to build a small terrace in their place in an architectural style to reflect the rest of the street (see 07/03670/FUL below). Although it seems a pity to demolish perfectly serviceable houses, the benefit to the streetscape brought by this development is significant. Watchdog supports it.
- 07/03670/FUL - Bathwick Street
- This is a planning application to demolish three detached houses in Bathwick Street and to build a small terrace in their place in an architectural style to reflect the rest of the street. The current construction work alongside is in a similar style to that proposed in this planning application, and its proximity to the existing houses will emphasise the differences in size and appearance. Thus although it seems a pity to demolish perfectly serviceable houses, the benefit to the streetscape brought by this development is significant. Watchdog supports it.
- 08/01718/FUL - Abbey Green
- This application is for refurbishment of Number 2A Abbey Green.
- 08/03304/FUL - Paragon
- This application is for the redevelopment of a shop in Somerset Buildings.
- 08/03370/FUL - North Road
- This application is for two houses and two apartment blocks on the site of the now disused Rockery Tea Gardens. There appears to have been no attempt made to conform to the general character of the area.
- 08/03489/REG13 - Guildhall Market
- This application is for internal alterations and conversion of the existing swing doors to sliding doors.
- 08/04008/REG13 - Guildhall, Bath
- REG13 applications are those where the council is both the applicant and the planning authority that makes the decisions. This application is for internal alterations to the Guildhall, replacing the current "Treasury" counter with open plan furniture that makes the staff so vulnerable that panic alarms are then considered necessary. Watchdog objects strongly to these proposals. The design aim appears to be aimed at cheapness rather than what is appropriate for a Grade I listed building, and the additional partition is an unnecessary intrusion into what was designed as a lofty open space.
- 08/04452/FUL - Georgian House, Duke Street
- This application is for the restoration of the original doorway and internal improvements.
- 08/04467/LBA - Georgian House, Duke Street
- This application is the listed building one for the restoration of the original doorway and internal improvements.
- 08/04568/FUL - 41 Lyncombe Hill
- This application is for the conversion of an existing store room into guest accommodation and an office for home working. We do not object to this, indeed some of the proposals would be a positive improvement. But we have a slight reservation about whether the higher roof might be intrusive in what is a picturesque area.
- 08/04743/FUL - Great Pulteney Street
- This application is to install overthrows and lanterns to properties. Whilst the style of ironwork seems appropriate, we can find no historical evidence that such additions either existed or were intended to be installed. Even more worrying there does not seem to be unanimous agreement from property holders to install, so there is a risk of a partial installation which would be unacceptable.
- 08/04746/LBA - Great Pulteney Street
- This application is to install overthrows and lanterns to properties. Whilst the style of ironwork seems appropriate, we can find no historical evidence that such additions either existed or were intended to be installed. Even more worrying there does not seem to be unanimous agreement from property holders to install, so there is a risk of a partial installation which would be unacceptable.
- 09/00161/LBA - 3 Johnston Street
- This application is for some internal and external alterations to this Grade I listed building. There are some aspects which cannot be supported, such as walling in the pavement bridge in glass. Other aspects are poorly defined, so that we cannot tell whether the alterations to entrance steps are appropriate or not, nor whether the materials to be used are appropriate. We are happy that a programme of repairs and restoration is proposed, but we want the materials and methods to be correct.
- 09/00298/LBA - 6 Prior Park Cottages
- This application is to fit a solar water heating panel to the roof. We do not believe that the Conservation of Fuel regulations override the obligation to preserve the appearance of a listed building, but if the installation can be completed without damaging the appearance of the row of cottages or the structure of the building to which it is fitted, we do not object to it in principle. We are content to leave the Case Officer to judge whether conditions can offer the right level of protection.
- 09/00517/LBA - Avonside, Bath Spa Railway Station
- This application is for internal and external alterations to secure the restoration and reuse of Avonside House. Avonside House is in a derelict condition and is the last survivor of three railway buildings that were constructed with the railway station. As such it is Grade II* curtilage listed as part of the station group, though it is not separately mentioned in the listing. The approach is in two stages: to preserve the historical structure; and then to bring it back into viable use.
- 09/00520/LBA - 13 Daniel Street
- This application is for the reinstatement of sash windows with correctly proportioned glazing bars. This will bring the building's appearance back to what it was when it was built, and we support that.