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Bath Blitz Memorial Project
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The Names Of Those Who Died Listed By Surname.

After an exhaustive search of records, as near a complete list as possible of those who died was produced, and this list was used on the Project's memorial. After the memorial was erected, a couple of relatives have identified names that should have been on the memorial. The memorial is cast in bronze with the names standing proud, so it is not possible to add names to it.  But the list below has been updated to include the omissions.

Note that a few members of Civil Defence organisations and the armed forces were killed in Bath during the raids. They have been deliberately omitted from the Project's memorial because their names already appear on the Armed Forces memorial (on plaques mounted to the right of the new civilian memorial). An alphabetical list of their names is in a separate list at the bottom of this page.

Project's Memorial

This list has been formatted to make it easier to read on a web page, with names in alphabetical order reading from left to right across the screen. The memorial itself is in alphabetical order reading down columns of names, the normal arrangement for war memorials.

Adams, John Adkins, Cyril Adkins, Horace Alcock, Doris Alcock, Harry
Alton, Gwenda Alton, Sidney Alton, Winnie Arkle, James Arthurs, Violet
Ashby, Harry Bailey, Albert Charles Bailey, Albert Edward Bailey, Doris Bailey, Lilian
Baker, Freda Balsom, Ellen Bamford, William Barbeau, Agnes Beattie, John
Bell, Lorna Beretford, Edith Bessant, Hubert Bird, Edith Bird, Evelyn
Bird, Gladys Blackmore, Cherry Blackmore, Dorothy Blackwell, Albert Bowler, Lydia
Brannigan, John Breen, Christopher Brewer, Frederick Brewer, Irene Brewer, Sarah
Brewer, Violet Brice, Hugh Brice, Janet Brice, Veronica Broad, Edward
Brown, Beatrice Brown, Charles Brown, Dorothy Brown, Dorothy Laura Brown, Margaret
Brown, Norman Bryant, Frederick Buckingham, Seymour Buckley, Martha Burden, Edgar
Canfield, Frederick Caplin, Catherine Caulfield, Rachel Chapman, Leonard Chapman, Lilian
Clark, Marion Clarke, Bertha Clarke, Charles Conroy, Dorothy Cooper, George
Cormack, Sidney Cox, Catherine Cox, Oliver Curtis, Arthur Cutting, Amelia
Cutting, John Alfred Cutting, John Thomas Cutting, Norah Cutting, Terence Dando, Edith
Dargue, James Darke, Elizabeth Davies, Avril Davis, Amelia Davis, Beatrice
Davis, George Davis, June Davis, Pamela Dean, Annie Derrick, Mary Henrietta
Derrick, Mary Matilda Eagle, Oliver Eason, Betty Eason, Lilian Eason, Richard
Elley, Thomas Ellis, Frank Evans, Herbert Eyre, Emily Ferdinand, Ernest
Ferdinand, Violet Flower, Eliza Foody, John Foody, Margaret Ford, Clifford
Ford, Cyril Ford, Frances Emily Ford, Frances Ethel Ford, Mavis Ford, Ronald
Ford, Thomas Ford, William Franklyn, Alexander Gait, Margaret Gale, Fanny
Gamlin, Ethel Gay, Elizabeth Gay, William George, Amelia George, Herbert
German, Margaret Giddings, Elizabeth Goddard, Margaret Gooding, Charles Gooding, Eugenia
Goodman, Henry Gover, Ellen Gover, Gilbert Gover, Grace Grace, Dora
Grace, Muriel Grant, Phyllis Greenland, Edith Grievson, Martin Griffin, Audrey
Griffin, Ellen Griffin, Francis Grimshaw, Doris Grimshaw, Marian Gunstone, Charles
Gunstone, Roy Gunstone, Royston Hall, Edward Hancock, Albert Hancock, Daisy
Hancock, Rita Hardick, Emily Hardick, Hubert Harris, Kate Harris, William
Hart, June Hartley, John Hatcher, Wilfred Hawkins, Enid Hayden, Amy
Hayden, Violet Hayter, Ernest Hayward, Florence Hayward, Tom Hibberd, Herbert
Hibberd, Thomas Hill, Kenneth Holmes, Colin Holmes, Prudence Holmes, Royston
Hooper, Ada Hooper, Clara Hooper, Gwendolen Hooper, Helen Hooper, Mabel
Horstmann, Elsie Horstmann, Percival Horstmann, Terence Howard, Frances Howard, Maria
Hull, George Hull, Hannah Hull, Sylvia Humphries, Louisa Hunt, Alice
Hunt, Charles Hunt, Ethel Hunt, Violet Hurford, Lily Hutchings, Grace
Jefferis, Amy Jefferis, Muriel Jenkins, Daniel Johnson, Kathleen Johnson, Susan
Jolliffe, Ellen Jolliffe, Elsie Jolliffe, Mary Jones-Mitton, Alice Jones-Mitton, Phyllis
Joyce, Ivy Keegan, Catherine Kilminster, Mary Kilminster, Walter King, Frances
King, Gladys King, Joyce Kingman, Leonard Kirkland, Margaret Kirkland, Sheila
Lagden, Hilda Lake, Walter Lambert, Dorothy Lambert, Joyce Langworthy, Edith
Leakey, Gladys Leakey, Leonard Lewis, Edward Lewis, Lily May Lewis, Lily Rosina
Lichfield, Margaret Lidgett, Georgina Lieberman, Cissie Light, Louisa Light, Mildred
Light, Patricia Long, William Mackey, William March, Mary March, Phyllis
Martin, Frank Massey, Constance Massey, Joseph Massey, Leah Massey, Sarah
Matthews, Violet McDonald, Anne McKenzie, Mavess Medland, Kate Meedick, Ellen
Middlemas, Jean Miles, Henry Miles, Mary Miller, Alfred Miller, Alice
Mills, Thomas Mitchell, William Mitton, Alice Mitton, Phyllis Moffat, Robert
Moody, Charles Murray, Edward Murray, Hester Murray, Hilda Murray, Patrick
Neate, Sheila Neathey, Albert Nelson-Ward, Dorothy Nicholls, Amelia Nolan, Isaac
Noonan, John Norris, Robert Oatley, Leonard Oliver, Albert Oliver, Alice
Oliver, Edith Oliver, Henry Ollis, Jean Ollis, Reginald O'Shea, John
Oxford, Alice Packer, Mary Padfield, Leslie Palk, Dorothy Palmer, Graham
Parke, Jesse Parke, Ursula Parker, Alfred Parker, Florence Parker, Kate
Parsons, William Pearson, Cecil Pearson, May Pease, George Perchard, Emily
Perrett, Ada Perrett, Emily Perrett, Samuel Phillips, Alexander Phillips, Cyril
Phillips, Gordon Phillips, Victor Piercy, Constance Pocock, Alice Pocock, Molly
Poole, Alma Poole, Florence Poole, William Powell, Marjorie Preater, Ivy
Prescott, Clara Prescott, Elizabeth Prescott, Joyce Prescott, Thomas Price, Charles
Pumphrey, William Pyles, Dora Randall, Doris Randall, Ellen Randall, Patricia
Randall, Robert Rapsey, Ethel Rapsey, Margaret Rapsey, Rita Rattray, Beatrice
Rattray, Christine Rattray, Donald Rattray, George Rattray, Joan Rattray, Pamela
Rattray, Shirley Rattray, William Rattray, William Frederick Reilly, Bernard Reynaert, Eric
Reynaert, Evelyn Robbins, Gilbert Rogers, William Rossiter, Kate Ruddle, James
Ryall, Florence Salter, Nella Sanson, Gertrude Seek, Joe Sell, Queenie
Selman, Ellen Selman, Gloria Shand, Isabel Sharman, Patricia Sheridan, Timothy
Simmons, Norman Simons, Rolf Slocombe, Frederick Small, Henry Small, Kate
Smith, Annie Smith, Frederick Smith, Janet Smith, Leonard Smith, Lilian
Smith, Margaret Smith, Maureen Smith, Ruby Smith, Sidney Smyth, Patrick
Spence, Anthony Spence, Ernest Spence, Mary Spurrell, Agnes Spurrell, William
Stone, Blanche Swatton, Margaret Swatton, Ruby Sweet, Bernadette Sweet, Eileen
Tanner, Emma Taylor, Brian Taylor, Florence Taylor, Frank Taylor, Joyce
Taylor, Maud Theaker, Ivy Thomas, Audrey Thomas, Reginald Timmins, Emily
Tonkin, Stanley Tucker, Nellie Tucker, Orlando Verrier, Elizabeth Vines, Dorothy
Vowles, Frederick Waterson, Herbert Watts, Sarah Watts, Susannah Weeks, Florence
Wells, Alfred Wells, Minnie Weston, William Wetterley, Eileen White, Brian
White, George White, Phoebe White, Royston Whitehead, Ellen Whitty, Nora
Wilcox, Gertrude Wilkinson, Eleanor Wilkinson, Maud Williams, Beatrice Williams, Jane
Williams, Richard Williams, Thomas Williamson, Frank Woodmansey, Geoffrey Woods, William
Woodward, Clara Workman, Emily Wotton, Eliza Wotton, Henry Wotton, Kate
Wotton, Leonard Wright, Harold Wright, Morwenda Wright, William Young, Bernice
Young, Bertha Young, Francis Young, Valerie    


Military Memorial

The following casualties of the Bath Blitz were either serving in the armed forces or were employed on Civil Defence duties. Because of this, their names belong on the Military and Civil Defence memorial rather than the new Civilian one.  For  most of them, this is the case.  But the two names listed in red do not appear on the Military and Civil Defence memorial, and this list is their only recognition.

Angus, Charles Walter ARP Rescue Service. Victim of the second attack.
Barrow, William Charles Special Constable. Victim of the second attack.
Bartlett, Charles Wellington Air Raid Warden. Victim of the third attack.
Blackmore, Percival Francis Leading Aircraftsman 1034542, RAF. Victim of the third attack.
Brown, Frank Arthur Flight Sergeant 1280368, RAF. Victim of the second attack.
Coates, Muriel Elsie Lilian Air Raid Warden. Victim of the third attack.
Davis, Frank Egbert Sergeant 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Victim of the first attack.
Goddard, Alfred Air Raid Warden. Victim of the second attack.
Hall, Edward Joseph Royal Navy. Missing, presumed killed.
Hayward, Albert William Sergeant in the Special Constabulary. Victim of the second attack.
James, Clifford Daniel Special Constable. Victim of the second attack.
Kilminster, Leonard Charles Private 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Victim of the second attack.
Lott, Thomas Special Constable. Victim of the second attack.
Macdougall, Alexander Air Raid Warden. Victim of the third attack.
Middlemas, Elsie Barbara ARP Ambulance Driver. Victim of the third attack.
Middlemas, Mary First Aid Post Medical Officer. Victim of the third attack.
Packwood, Charles William Inspector, Special Police. Victim of the second attack.
Park, Frederick James Private 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Firewatcher. Victim of the third attack.
Parsons, Charles William Special Constable. Victim of the second attack.
Pearson, Dennis Charles Private 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Victim of the third attack.
Pearson, Horace Police Messenger. Victim of the third attack.
Perkins, Arthur Maurice Special Constable. Victim of the second attack.
Sales, Walter ARP Warden. Victim of the third attack.
Self, Victor Raymond Charles Private 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Firewatcher. Victim of the first attack.
Snook, Kenneth Edwin Police Constable PC 253, County Police, Weston-Super-Mare. Victim of the third attack.
Walsh, William Corporal 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Victim of the third attack.
Woods, Alan Richard Private 5th Somerset (City of Bath) Battalion Home Guard. Firewatcher. Victim of the third attack.

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