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Shaftesbury Mews.

There is a small row of buildings between the back gardens of Beckhampton Road and Third Avenue. In front of these buildings is a roadway wide enough for a horse and cart that starts between Numbers 27 & 28 Shaftesbury Road and exits between Numbers 40 & 42 Third Avenue. A footpath, just wide enough for a pedestrian also runs from the end of these buildings to Beckhampton Road, emerging between Numbers 18 & 19.
I have examined a number of street directories from 1925 to 1965, and those buildings had no specific address. In the directories, the premises are described variously as "Rear of 27 Shaftesbury Road", "Rear of 42b Third Avenue" and so on. The City Engineer's damage report lists these buildings as "Rear of [various numbers in] Beckhampton Road".
In 2003, the then derelict buildings were restored and converted into residential properties with walled gardens, and the council named the row "Shaftesbury Mews". To avoid the rather vague addressing used in 1942, I have collated the entries into addresses under its modern name.

Shaftesbury Mews would be on Map 3c. Shaftesbury Mews starts on the opposite side of Shaftesbury Road from Moorland Road, which is shown on the map. The premises are listed below in order of distance from Shaftesbury Road.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
    Shop Minor general damage  
    Flour Store Minor general damage  
    Lock-up Garages Minor general damage  
  T Wall & Sons Store Minor general damage  
    Lock-up Garages Minor general damage  

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