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Lansdown Road.

Lansdown Road is on Map 2c, continuing onto Map 1c. Along with addresses showing Lansdown Road itself, the road contains named terraces: see also Belmont; Belmont Mansions; Belvedere.

Lansdown Road is shown on maps to start from the junction of Broad Street and The Paragon, but Number 1 Lansdown Road is just north of the junction with Camden Crescent, and the lower terraces of Belmont and Belvedere, unusually for named terraces that form part of other roads, run along both sides of the road. This suggests that perhaps at some time in the past, the lower slopes of what is now Lansdown Road were actually named Belmont and Belvedere and not Lansdown Road.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
    To be added later    

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