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Hayes Place

Hayes Place is on Map 3c, but is not named on the map.  Hayes Place is a named terrace that runs between the top of Wells Road and the top of Holloway (opposite the end of Beechen Cliff Road) on the west side of the road.  Number 1 is round the corner and into Hayesfield Park, such that the premises that looks as though it would be the first property in Hayes Place is numbered 2.

The City Engineer's damage report shows numbers 1 to 13, but the 1940 street directory shows 1-12 and 14, which matches today's numbering, so it looks as though the City Engineer assumed that the house after 12 was 13 without checking.  Some developers avoided number 13 with its "unlucky" associations, and Hayes Place looks like one of those instances.

1   Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage: Shop habitable; Dwelling unusable   
2 H.C. Gray, Chemist Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
3-5 Cormack's Newsagent Shop Serious repairable damage: 3 & 5 unusable; 4 still habitable  
6 Hairdresser Shop Serious repairable damage, unusable Upper storey appears unsafe
7   Shop Serious repairable damage, habitable  
8   Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable Bay unsafe
9   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable Bay unsafe
10   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable Bay unsafe
11   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable Bay unsafe
12   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable Bay unsafe
14   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  

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