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Green Park Mews

Green Park Mews is on Map 2c, and is named on the map. Green Park Mews is the road runs between the western arm of Green Park and Midland Bridge Road and parallel to them.

The buildings were (and still are) small industrial premises at the bottom of the Green Park gardens, below the higher level of Midland Bridge Road necessary to cross the river. The buildings were probably originally built as stabling or staff quarters for Green Park, but by 1942, all had been converted for light industrial use.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
5   Warehouse Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "Potteries China Warehouse"
6   Motor Engineer Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "W A Angell, Motor Engineers"
7   Motor & Electrical Engineer Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "P E Eades"
8   Business Premises Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "L Fenton, General Dealer"
9   Business Premises Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "Charles Maton, Wireless Engineer"
10   Waste Paper Depot Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "Salvation Army Depot"
11   Business Premises Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "H J Higgs, Window Cleaner"
12   Business Premises Minor general damage Listed in the directory as "A Walters, Firewood Merchant"

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