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Charlton Buildings.

Charlton Buildings is on Map 2b, but is not shown on the map. Charlton Buildings is a named terrace on the Lower Bristol Road, between Stanley Place and Fair View. It is roughly opposite Vernon Park, which is shown on the map.
In the street directories of 1937 and 1940, Charlton Buildings started at Number 6 and not at Number 1. Only numbers 6 to 8 survive today. Where the remainder would have been is now a small parking area for the Morris Minor Centre and an accommodation block for university students.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
6   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable Chimney at rear loose stonework
7   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
8   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
9   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
10   Shop & Dwelling House Minor general damage  
11   Shop Minor general damage  
12   Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
13   Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
14   Shop & Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
15   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
16   Dwelling House & 2 large workshops Minor general damage  

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