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Avondale Road.

Avondale Road is on Map 2b and is identified on the map. Avondale Road ran between Newbridge Road (alongside No. 76 and opposite Rosslyn Road) and Locksbrook Road.

Number  Name Type Damage Level Surveyor's Comments
  Locksbrook Wharf Tinkers Shed Major damage, demolish  
  Locksbrook Wharf Engine House Major damage, demolish  
  Locksbrook Wharf Sheds at East End Serious repairable damage, habitable  
  Locksbrook Wharf Other Sheds Minor general damage  
1   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
2   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
3   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
4   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
5   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
6   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
7   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
8   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
9   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
10   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
11   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
12   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
13   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
14   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
15   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
16   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
17   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
18   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
19   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
20   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
21   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
22   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
23   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
24   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
25   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
26   Dwelling House Minor general damage  
27   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
28   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
29   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
30   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
31   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
32   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
33   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
34   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
35   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
36   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, unusable  
37   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
38   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
39   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
40   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
41   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
42   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
43   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
44   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
45   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
46   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  
47   Dwelling House Serious repairable damage, habitable  

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