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Royal Crescent

Front View

Number 17 was burnt out by incendiaries. The building towards the left of the picture below, with ivy on the front and no roof is Number 17. The building to its right with the front boarded up is Number 16, and the building to its left with the lower two floors boarded up is Number 18.

Picture 1 of Wartime Damage

In the Children's Memories section, Teresa, a seven year old girl at the time of the blitz, recalls the damage to her home.


Post-war Aerial View

Heritage restorations take time, and some of Bath's heritage remained derelict for several years.  In the aerial photograph below, taken in the early 1950s, number 17 Royal Crescent is still just a shell without a roof, having been burnt out by incendiaries in 1942.

Picture 2 of Wartime Damage


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