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Odd Down

Map 4C
HE1218, 500Kg, Springfield Farm
HE1210, 500Kg, Wells Way
HE1217, 250Kg, Springfield Farm
HE1216, 500Kg, Springfield Farm
4057, Bloomfield Drive
HE1164, 250kg, Bloomfield Drive
HE1162, UXB, Bloomfield Drive
HE1163, 250Kg, Bloomfield Drive
4058, Bloomfield Drive
HE2041, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE2045, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE2044, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE2043, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE1135, 500Kg, Springfield Farm
HE2042, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE1134, 250Kg, Entry Hill
HE1149, Frome Road
HE1148, UXB, Frome Road
HE1146, 250Kg, Frome Road
HE1145, 250Kg, Frome Road
HE1147, Frome Road
HE1146, 250Kg, Frome Road
HE1141, 250Kg, Oolite Grove
HE1143, 250Kg, Upper Bloomfield Road
HE1142, 500Kg, Colbourne Road
HE1140, 250Kg, Oolite Grove
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